Arianna Scuteri

University University Milano-Bicocca- UNIMIB
Department Surgery and Translational Medicine
Biographical Info She graduated in Medical Biotechnology (110/110 cum laude) in 2001, and in 2005 she got the PhD in Neuroscience. Teaching activity of Histology (2005- 2009) and Human Anatomy (since 2008) for the degrees in “Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria”, and in “Ottica e Optometria” (since 2012), University Milano-Bicocca. Principal investigator and scientific coordinator of the project “Mechanisms of Mesenchymal Stem Cells positive action on the diseases of both central and peripheral nervous system “ funding by MIUR (Firb Futuro in ricerca RBFR08VSVI_001‏). Since 2012 Researcher at the Department of Surgery and Traslational Medicine.
Research Areas
Laboratories Experimental Neurology Unit