Marina Saresella

University IRCSS Santa Maria Nascente Milano FONDAZIONE DON GNOCCHI)
Department Laboratorio di Medicina Molecolare e Biotecnologie
Biographical Info Position Title: Coordinator biologist, Senior Researcher  

Personal Data

  Date of birth:    June,24,1961 Place of birth:   Milano, Italy Citizenship:       Italian  


  • Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Milano, Italy
  • Board Certified, Italian Board of Professional Biologist, Italy.
  • PhD in Microbiology and Virology University of Milan, Ital
  • Biology assistant at the Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology Laboratory, Fondazione Don C. Gnocchi, IRCCS S. Maria Nascente, Milan
1999- present             Coordinator biologist at the Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology Laboratory,               Fondazione Don C. Gnocchi,  IRCCS S. Maria Nascente, Milan Since 1996                 Tutor for graduation thesis training of students at the faculties of Biological Sciences, CTF, Biotechnology-University of Milan 2000-2005                  Free contract professor at University of Milan 2013 – 2017          Free contract professor at University of Milan      

Research interest

  Expertise in basic laboratory research and in clinical immunology. Author of  100 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals on basic immunology. H-index scopus:31  
Laboratories The Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology ofIRCCS SMN Don Gnocchi Foundation, cover 150m2 , is a very modern scientific department that is able to develop cellular, molecular and immunological methods in order to study the diagnosis and the pathogenesis of neurological diseases.