Biographical Info |
EDUCATION AND TRAINING: July 2010: Degree: MD – 110/110 cum laude – University of Milano-Bicocca (Monza, Italy); June 2016 – Degree: Board in Neurology – 70/70 cum laude – University of Milano-Bicocca (Monza, Italy); February 2019 – Degree: PhD in Neuroscience – University of Milano-Bicocca (Monza, Italy). RESEARCH INTEREST AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE. Her main expertise is related to peripheral nervous system diseases, especially Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity (CIPN). She is an active member of the Toxic Neuropathy Consortium (TNC), part of the Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS). During the Residency in Neurology, she was a visiting fellow at Johns Hopkins University (Prof. D.R. Cornblath, MD) to refine her knowledge of neurophysiological techniques. Since 2015 she has been pursuing an interest for preclinical research and joined the Experimental Neurology Unit (ENU, University of Milano-Bicocca) team, where she completed the PhD program in Neuroscience (2019). Her PhD project was focused on Oxaliplatin Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity in preclinical models: she introduced advanced neurophysiological techniques, nerve excitability testing, to ENU after having learnt them from Prof H. Bostock, (UCL, London). She was a visiting fellow at University of Baltimore (Prof. S.G. Dorsey and Prof C. Renn) where learned DRG recordings in preclinical models. Since August 2016 she is a consultant Neurologist at San Gerardo Hospital (ASST Monza, Italy): she is the treating physician for outpatients affected by CIPN (Ambulatorio di Fragilità Neurologica). She is the PI in this Center for the INTERNATIONAL CHEMOTHERAPY-INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY (CIPN) ASSESSMENT AND VALIDATION STUDY (ICAVS, see: International CIPN Assessment and Validation Study – Full Text View – which involves 30 Centers around the globe (US, Canada, South America, Africa, India, Asia, Australia). In the same Center, she is also PI of the CIPN COST study (, aiming at ascertaining socio-economic burden related to CIPN (awarded a 115,000 euros grant, by UNIMIB), and of the NEUPER study, aiming at ascertain efficacy of physical treatment to reverse sensory ataxia due to polyneuropathy.
She was funded by Fondazione Cariplo under the call Ricerca Biomedica condotta da Giovani Ricercatori 2022 (i.e., Biomedical Research conducted by Young Investigators - 2022 call). She was assigned a 250,000 euros grant as PI to conduct a 3 year project titled Sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX) and ion channels: pivotal elements leading to axonal damage in peripheral nerves?. The project aims at dissecting mechanisms of axonal damage shedding light into the possible involvement of ion channels and transporters, specifically sodium-voltage operated ion channels and the sodium/calcium exchanger (NCX).
She is responsible for human anatomy teaching courses (at UNIMIB since 2016 and at Lunex University since 2020).
AWARDS AND GRANTS: personal grant Ricerca Biomedica condotta da Giovani Ricercatori by Fondazione Cariplo in 2022 (total budget: 250,000 euros); Premio Giovani Talenti 2021 (first place, Accademia dei Lincei/University of Milano Bicocca); Bicocca starting grant (December 2020) as PI for the conduction of a 12 months research project focused on socio-economic burden related to (personal grant: 115,000 euros); Premio Giovani Talenti 2020 (second place, Accademia dei Lincei/University of Milano Bicocca); AIPN prize 2018 for the best oral presentation at the ASNP meeting 2018 (Rome, Italy) for the contribution: “Oxaliplatin Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity: a rat model that reproduces acute and chronic phenomena”; second place at Falling Wall Labs 2017 among all Italian participants with the project “Breaking the wall of Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neurotox”
PUBLICATIONS. She authored 74 publications on peer-review international journals. Her current H-index is 31 with more than 2600 citations since 2010 (Scopus, January 2023). To see her complete bibliography, go to: ORCID profile:; Scopus profile:; Researchgate profile:; PUBMED complete bibliography: |