Dear all,

the next NeuroMeetINgs@CNR speaker will be Lorenzo A. Cingolani from University of Trieste (Dep. Of Life Sciences).

Time – Friday 7th June @11.30AM

Place – U28 Room 2, Via Raul Follereau 3, 20854, Vedano Al Lambro (MB)

Title – New genome editing approaches for brain disorders: Matching channels to function in epilepsy


In this talk, I will present our novel CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing strategy aimed at regulating alternative splicing of calcium channels to counteract loss-of-function mutations in CACNA1A. These mutations impair the P/Q-type calcium channel CaV2.1, resulting in a range of unresolved brain disorders, including absence epilepsy.

I will show how up-regulating specific splice variants in another calcium channel, CACNA1B (N-type calcium channel CaV2.2), can effectively compensate for the electrophysiological and behavioral abnormalities caused by CACNA1A deficiency.

Our approach holds particular promise for absence epilepsy and related CACNA1A pathologies, as it offers a broad-spectrum solution for the numerous (>100) CACNA1A mutations, rather than targeting individual ones.

We strongly encourage in person attendance, however here is a link to the webinar should you not be able to come in person.

Hope to see many of you!

Erika and Edoardo, CNR Institute of Neuroscience

We kindly request that all attendees maintain the confidentiality of the meeting’s content.

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