The origins of body representations in perception and action in early human development – 24 Maggio 2018
Andrew J. Bremner, Sensorimotor Development Research Unit, Goldsmiths, University of London; School of Psychology, University of Birmingham We still know relatively…
Observing Ostracism: How uninvolved others interpret and respond to ostracism situations – 21 Maggio 2018
Selma Rudert, University of Basel, Division of Social Psychology Uninvolved observers may judge ostracism in different ways: On the one hand,…
The paradox of autism; strengths and weaknesses in sensation, cognition and the brain – 14 Maggio 2018
Chris Ashwin, Dept. of Psychology, University of Bath; Visiting Researcher, Autism Research Centre (ARC), University of Cambridge, Dept. of Psychiatry Autism…
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
‘New models of human interaction in mixed reality environments’ and ‘Towards a new model for generalized virtual reality exposure therapies: the ATHENEA project’ – 07 Maggio 2018
Prof. Mariano Alcaniz & Dr. Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Institute for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering (i3B) – Valencia, Spain …
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
BioRobotics research topics for healthy living and active ageing – 26 Aprile 2018
Filippo Cavallo, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa Nowadays ICT and robotic technologies are experimenting an increasing number of opportunities to be exploited…
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Fabrizio Cattadori: Machine Learning e Data Science: l’Intelligenza Artificiale al servizio della Medicina – 23 Maggio 2018
Mercoledì 23 Maggio 2018 , Ore 13:00 UNIMIB – Edificio U8-Aula 6 Ing. Fabrizio Cattadori – Docente a contratto di Informatica presso il…
New paper: HSV-1-specific IgG subclasses distribution and serum neutralizing activity in Alzheimer’s disease and in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Agostini S, Mancuso R, Hernis A, Costa AS, Nemni R, Clerici M. HSV-1-specific IgG subclasses distribution and serum neutralizing activity in…
New paper: HLA alleles modulate EBV viral load in Multiple Sclerosis
Agostini S, Mancuso R, Guerini FR, D’Alfonso S, Agliardi C, Hernis A, Zanzottera M, Barizzone N, Leone MA, Caputo D, Rovaris…
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Lectio – Malattia di Alzheimer: basi molecolari dell’eterogeneita’ fenotipica – 9 Aprile 2018
Il 9 Aprile alle ore 11 presso l’ Auditorium Martinotti (UNIMIB, Ed. U12 Via Vizzola, 5 Milano) si terra’ la Lectio…
New paper: Phenotypic heterogeneity in aceruloplasminemia
Phenotypic heterogeneity in seven Italian cases of aceruloplasminemia. Pelucchi S, Mariani R, Ravasi G, Pelloni I, Marano M, Tremolizzo L, Alessio…