News: New paper: A simple and universal enzyme-free approach for the detection of multiple microRNAs using a single nanostructured enhancer of surface plasmon resonance imaging
Sguassero A, Artiga A, Morasso C, Jimenez RR, Rapun RM, Mancuso R, Agostini S, Hernis A, Abols A, LinÄ“ A, Gualerzi…
News: Image Cross-Correlation Analysis of Time Varying Flows
Image Cross-Correlation Analysis of Time Varying Flows In vivo studies of blood circulation pathologies have great medical relevance and need methods…
News: New NeuroMI paper on ALS: MEF2 pathways disruption
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neuro-muscular disease characterized by motor neuron loss. MEF2D and MEF2C are members of the…