News: New paper: A simple and universal enzyme-free approach for the detection of multiple microRNAs using a single nanostructured enhancer of surface plasmon resonance imaging
Sguassero A, Artiga A, Morasso C, Jimenez RR, Rapun RM, Mancuso R, Agostini S, Hernis A, Abols A, LinÄ“ A, Gualerzi…
News: New NeuroMI paper on multifunctional liposomes interaction with Abeta in human biological fluids
Neurochem Int. 2017 Feb 23. pii: S0197-0186(16)30345-X. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2017.02.012. Conti E, Gregori M, Radice I, Da Re F, Grana D, Re…