Valter Ciocca, University of British Columbia, Canada
The perception of auditory continuity by cochlear implant (CI) users was investigated by testing two groups of listeners (10 CI users, and 10 control listeners with normal-hearing). The participants took part in two tasks in which they heard a pure tone and a narrow-band noise (masker) centred at the frequency of the pure tone: a yes-no task (perceived continuity judgments), and a 2AFC task (masking task). CI listeners reported stronger perceived continuity and masking at a specific masker level, suggesting that susceptibility to masking plays an important role in poor speech-in-noise performance by listeners with cochlear implants.

Lunedì 16 aprile 2018, ore 14.30

Aula 30, edificio U6 (1° piano)

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Per informazioni:

Prof. Claudio Luzzatti