Each member of NeuroMI is invited to submit an abstract to communicate, as poster or oral presentation, the progress of its research in every area of Neuroscience during the Annual Meeting of Members of NeuroMI.



–       Biotechnology and Nanomedicine

–       Clinical Neuroscience

–       Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience

–       Computational and Systems

–       Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

–       Neuroimaging and Methodological research


Registration is mandatory and free: http://registration.theoffice.it/cmsweb/Login.asp?IDcommessa=TO19006&Lang=EN 

Abstract submission deadline: September 15, 2019.

SUBMIT NOW YOUR ABSTRACT at:  http://registration.theoffice.it/cmsweb/ABS_Login.asp?IDcommessa=TO19006&Lang=EN