- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Seminar – MULTI-ELECTRODE ARRAY TECHNOLOGY FOR NEUROSCIENCE seminar MULTI-ELECTRODE ARRAY – BtBs UNIMIB martedì 21 gennaio 2020, ore 10:00, aula U4-08, edificio…
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Seminar: ‘From Neuroscience to Clinical practice. How neural representations of pain and negative affect can explain pain management behavior in hospital settings’ – January 20, 2020
‘From Neuroscience to Clinical practice. How neural representations of pain and negative affect can explain pain management behavior in hospital settings’…
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Seminar: ‘Interactive Technologies for Cognitive Disability’ – January 13, 2020
‘Interactive Technologies for Cognitive Disability’ Prof. Franca Garzotto, I3Lab – Innovative Interactive Interfaces Laboratory, Department of Electronics, Information, and Bio-engineering –…
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Neuroethics: New Ways of Investigating the Brain – Meetings on Neuroscience and Society, XII Edition – May 13-15th, 2020
The Italian Society for Neuroethics and the International Neuroethics Society are glad to announce the Call for Papers for the 12th…
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Abstract book – NeuroMi Annual Meeting 2019
Dear colleagues, the Abstract book of the NeuroMI Annual Meeting 2019 is now available: abstract book NeuroMI Annual Meeting 2019
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
CALL FOR ABSTRACT – NeuroMI ANNUAL MEETING – November 20, 2019 – University of Milano-Bicocca
Each member of NeuroMI is invited to submit an abstract to communicate, as poster or oral presentation, the progress of its…
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Seminar: ‘Sensory experiences of nature and their psychological outcomes’ – July 8, 2019
‘Sensory experiences of nature and their psychological outcomes’ Dr. Eleanor Ratcliffe, School of Psychology, University of Surrey Natural environments are often…
- Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
5th NeuroMI International Meeting: Food for Brain: promoting health and preventing diseases – November 20-22, 2019, Milan, Italy
The 5th International Meeting of NeuroMI will be held in Milan at the University of Milano-Bicocca from 20 to 22 November…
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience
- Computational and Systems Neuroscience
- Neuroimaging and Methodological research
Seminar Prof. Ansgar Endress, City University of London, UK: ‘Duplications and domain-specificity’ – June 10, 2019
Ciclo di Seminari del Dipartimento di Psicologia ******************************** Ansgar Endress, City University of London, UK ‘Duplications and domain-specificity’ Cognition might be…